Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Why is my HP 7300 printer not printing but the top half of text?

I assume you mean the Top half of the letters. It means that the print head is clogged. You can. . .

1. Run the cleaning cycle on your printer a few times and see if that clears up the problem.

2. Remove the cartridges, and using rubbing alcohol and Q-tips to clean the print head (the copper part on the bottom the the cartridge). Be careful not to touch the cartridge with your fingers, doing so can ruin the cartridge.

3. Buy new cartridges.

Good Luck!Why is my HP 7300 printer not printing but the top half of text?
This is a new model printer and it must have warranty. The problems sounds to be a hardware issue.

The best way will be calling HP tech support. If they confirm its a h/w issue, then they will replace ur printer for free cost.

1-800-474-6836Why is my HP 7300 printer not printing but the top half of text?
It only prints the top of the page and then the rest of the page becomes lighter until there is nothing printed? Right? Black and white or color as well? If color if effected too, you may have a hardware problem, but if it is only black and white, see the following: If so, you need a new ink cartridge, this has happened to me, it seems the cartridge charges up a little bit of ink it has left and tries to print, but of course it cannot.

Just a simple cartridge replacement.
do a head clean, nozzle check and prind head allignment

or your ink is near empty
Your cartridge is dry due to inactivity or age.

Run a couple print head cleanings or replace the cartridge.
The main cause that I have found for this in most printers is either a lack of toner or ink.

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